Public Transport Groningen
Travelling within Groningen-Drenthe by public transport is straight forward and convenient. The extensive network is operated by public transport company Qbuzz and connects all different parts of the city by bus. If you are visiting Groningen the public transport system is the most convenient way to travel within the city.
Groningen day ticket
Depending on your travel plans and the duration of your stay, there are a number of different public transport passes that are especially valuable for visitors:
- Qbuzz City Bus Ticket: Want to travel from A to B? For € 3.75 you can buy an ticket at any bus, with credit card of debit card.
- Qbuzz Province Bus Ticket: One day of free travelling in Groningen-Drenthe for € 9,95. You can buy an ticket at any bus, with credit card of debit card.

Long stay – Public transport chip card
When you are staying in Amsterdam for more than 7 days it might be beneficial to buy a public transport chip card (ov-chipkaart) instead of day tickets. With the public transport chipcard you only pay for the distance you actually travel.
The public transport chip card is a plastic card that let you travel on credits. Travelling with the public transport chip card is very easy because it allows you to travel with all the carriers including the NS (Dutch railway).
Customers can buy this card in our webshop for € 7,50. Customers can also upload the card with credits at your arrival in Amsterdam or Airport Schiphol and reload the card during your stay.