Traveling by Metro
Do you want to travel by metro? The metro is a fastest way to get around in the city. The metro of Holland goes as above, so below underground. This way, the metro can go quickly to any station. Not all metro lines go through the whole city like the tram does.
For the metro you need an ov-chipkaart or a day ticket, these can be bought in our webshop or at the station.
Only Amsterdam and Rotterdam have a metro system.
See Metro TicketsThe Metro
In addition to trams and buses, the cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam also offer a metro service. These are usually affordable as well and generally faster than trams. The metro takes you from i.e. Duivendrecht railway station to the very centre of Amsterdam within minutes. In Rotterdam, you can travel to Blijdorp Zoo or the port of Rotterdam. The Randstadrail network (a combination of metro, train and tram) even takes you to The Hague Central Station.
You will need a valid ticket to travel by metro: a single-use chip card or an anonymous OV-chipkaart. You can also buy a single-use chip card from a ticket machine at the metro stations.
Using the OV-chipkaart
All means of public transport in Holland require a so-called OV-chipkaart, a smart card that is valid on the bus, tram, metro and train. Besides the special tourist tickets within the bis cities, there is no specific OV-chipkaart for tourists who travel further, in that case we recommend using an ‘anonymous’ OV-chipkaart.
This smart card costs 8,- euros but comes without travel credit, so you must charge credit to the card at a service desk or (NS) ticket machine with the pink OV-chipkaart logo. You must have at least 4 euros worth of travel credit on your anonymous OV-chipkaart to use the bus, tram or metro or 20€ credit for travelling by NS train.
The general anoymous OV chip card must in the beginning once be ‘activated’ for use on the NS trains. Once charged, you can use your anonymous OV-chipkaart on the bus, tram and metro right away! Always make sure to check in when boarding your bus, train or metro and don’t forget to check out on arrival.
Day tickets and single-use chip card
Amsterdam, Rotterdam and a few other cities offer special one to seven-day tickets for tourists. A perfect way to travel throughout the city without limitations at a special rate. If you don’t have an anonymous OV-chip card, you can also buy a single-use chip card, which is suitable for short trips and offers limited-time validity for bus, tram or metro in a city.
Single-use chip cards are suitable for the incidental traveller. If you plan to use public transport services in Holland more than once, an anonymous OV-chipkaart is more practical and usually the cheaper option