OVpay travelling with debit-/creditcard
Now you can travel with your debit/creditcard in all public transport in The Netherlands!
Since February 2024 it is now possible to travel with all public transport in The Netherlands with your bank-/debit-/ or credit card. In all PTO-vehicles or Railway Station entrances you will be able to check-in and check-out with your bank/credit card or your mobile smartphone. This system is called: OVpay.
To travel with Public Transport with your own bank/credit/debit cards is safe, fast and can be trusted, (i.e. Europay, Mastercard en Visa). With this safe technology you may enter all PTO-vehicles and PTO-gates to start travelling.
The system will collect your travelling expenses per day and at the end of the day the total amount will be charged to your account.
OVpay has a separate client service desk on phone number 0900-1433 (normal tarif) or via www.ovpay.nl or from a non-residence phone number you may call: +31 10 892 50 63.
The OVpay client service is available from monday through friday from 7.00 hrs to 21.30 hrs. in weekends and holidays from 10.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs.